Man and woman in rice paddy in 尼日利亚 working together

    We Are Re-imagining Global Agriculture

    Whether it's working with rice farmers in Africa, 在澳大利亚种植棉花, or developing innovative ingredients in Asia, we help our customers meet increasing consumer demands for sustainable sourcing and healthy foods.


    We are a leading food and agri-business, 供应食品配料, 饲料和纤维:22,全球有5000家客户, ranging from multi-national organisations with world famous brands to small family run businesses.


    Read the highlights from this year or download all our reports in full.


    Read the highlights from this year or download all our reports in full.

    Re-organising To Deliver Sharper Focus and Value

    2020年1月, we announced a Re-organisation Plan to create distinct and coherent operating groups – ofi, Olam阿勒, and the Remaining Businesses of 推荐几个足彩外围app – to maximise long-term value on a sustained basis.

    Each operating group has developed a clear Purpose, compelling vision and a differentiated strategy to capitalise on specific trends that underpin its sectors, take advantage of market opportunities, 吸引人才, optimise resources and invest in requisite assets and capabilities which will deliver profitable growth and build long-term value on a sustained basis.

    Caring for the Communities That We Work With

    可持续性 is key to our everyday decision making as a business, not as a separate goal or intention. We share a sense of purpose that motivates our actions. Dedicated staff members are embedded in our organisation worldwide to help and support our businesses embrace sustainable practices, 结果, 和报告.

    A Future at Olam: Imagine the Extraordinary

    At Olam, we want to empower you to find the right answers to daily challenges. Give you the autonomy to seek solutions that re-invent the way we do things. And support you to think and act so that you can have a lasting impact - on our business, on people's lives and on the environment.

